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Omori is a game based on a comic book series. The story is about a rather withdrawn boy. More specifically, hikikomori. You have to travel with him through two spaces, in one of which you are able to play for his alter ego. It is important to mention that on your way there may be those who were quite close to the boy before. But after the death of his sister, everything changed. This is an accident, after which many stopped communicating with each other. But was it really an accident?

Different Ways

While on the subject, here you have to constantly choose what you want to do. Each of them has a chance to affect the plot. Therefore, try to think carefully before making a decision. Because in the end your character can die if you had bad selections. Or he has the opportunity to discover everything and continue his life.

Decisions, while on the subject, significantly influence the process. Therefore, the one you make at the beginning will determine the surrounding environment. Accordingly, try not to make hasty decisions. Therefore, you are capable of normally moving through the story and learning a lot of new and interesting things.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that epic battles against terrible creatures also await you here. You have to attack them and use special attacks from time to time. Then you are able to deal with them faster. Moreover, it is important to mention that you also have a chance to use your companions’ skills. This way it is possible for you to create chains of attacks. Thus, your enemy may be quickly defeated. And as a result, you are capable of getting the completed quest.

Therefore, after that it is possible for you to go further to explore other locations. And so you will do until you reach the logical conclusion. But it is worth noting that there are several endings here and not all of them end fatally. Therefore, there is a possibility that the developers have a chance to release a sequel of Omori later. And in it, it will be possible to most likely learn about the fate of other characters. Or it may be a prequel?